Halloween is a spooky time of the year,
I don't like ghosts and goblins or being in fear.
Not even scary masks and costumes,
Nor witches, brew and brooms.
It's bad enough when Samantha
disappears from the room!
I don't even like scary cartoons!
I'm definitely not into haunted houses and spooks,
Full of creaky doors, cobwebs and kooks.
Even these pumpkins have an eerie glow,
Although others look pretty all in a row.
And some are magical you know!
I do like the cute children all dressed up for show.
And then I remember... Halloween's not so bad,
("I got a rock!")
When I see all the candy... maybe I'll have just a tad.
This will surly make the dentists glad,
Just don't tell them how much I had!
Happy Halloween Everybody!
Another poem by me...
What's with my rhyming ability?
Here is a Halloween costume contest
that you can enter your little children in.
Just click on the Tom Arma website and send in a picture.
Photos of babies and children that parents have entered in the
"Is your baby a Tom Arma baby?" (Photo Contest for 2007).
Tom Arma, who the Wall Street Journal called
"the Armani of the kiddy costume world" holds a contest
every year for the cutest costumed kids.
Children must wear an animal or bug costume to enter.
To enter go to Tom Arma and click on the contest link.

Gifs, messages, love poems
Sorry my sparkly card got cut off...
I just happened to open my post in two different windows,
and the music is overlapping in the most eerie but cool way!
Photo credits will appear in ghostly time
or soon as I get some coffee...