Hello to my fellow bloggers. I hope you have a relaxing weekend, safe and sound. What are your plans? How is your summer going so far?
I have not been able to post as much as I had hoped to this year. I have a bad shoulder and arm injury (of course it is my right side and I am right handed) and can barely move my arm now. It seems to be getting worse and worse and is very painful. This is on top of an old neck injury that always bothers me. On top of that, I am not feeling very well either. I am in need of a break and shouldn't be posting much so I can rest and get well. I know as soon as I write "I shouldn't do this or that" I will want to anyhow... but I really shouldn't... at least until I get more info from the Doctors about what is wrong and how to fix it. It's hard to do so little cuz I am so behind in everything. I don't wanna sound like a complainer and really want to be healthy and well. So if you don't see much from me, just know I am still here. I am still able to stop by your blogs and read them now and then as scrolling thru a blog is a bit easier to do than gathering photos and typing a post. And they make me feel better too. Thank you so much for sticking around and for your continued support.